Lesson Plans 2019

Activity: #critlib zine

Topic: Information Literacy, Social Justice
Rationale: Brief discussion about #critlib based on homework. What is #critlib? Watch video of Dr. Safiya Noble about “Algorithms of Oppression.”

  • Students will be able to accurately and succinctly describe critlib in their own words.
  • Students, independently or with a partner, will be able to create a brief zine about a critlib subject of their choosing.

Materials: Magazines, paper, glue, scissors, tape
Assessment: Presentation of zine to group

Activity: Mini-presentations

Topic: Information Literacy, Social Justice
Rationale: Students (individually or in pairs) will select an institution or librarian engaged in critical librarianship or social justice. Students are responsible for researching this entity in preparation for a 10-minute presentation to class.

  • Introduce students, and instructors, to broad interpretations of librarianship through the lens of social justice or critical information literacy.
  • To expand upon the definition of what it means to be a librarian, or to how to deliver information literacy.

Materials: Materials used are dependent upon individual student preferences: powerpoint, handouts, etc.
Assessment: Individual or group presentations.

Activity: Grad School Jigsaw

Rationale: Each group of three students receive three schools. Research and present one school to entire class.

  • To learn about the breadth of and requirements for different graduate programs.
University of Washington
University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill Syracuse University 
University of Texas—Austin 

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey—​New Brunswick
University of Maryland—​College Park 
University of Virginia - Rare Book School   
University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign
University of Michigan—Ann Arbor
University of Delaware - Art Conservation Master’s 

Study the program website (or do some sneaky googling to read people’s experiences on forums, blogs, etc.). Consider some of the following questions to guide your inquiry:

  • What are the requirements for admission? 
  • Are online classes/programs offered? Does this matter?
  • What sort of classes are being taught? Which classes appeal to you? 
  • Are there special degrees offered like Archives & Preservation? Digital Librarianship? Services for Children & Youth? Law Librarianship?
  • What about dual degrees (MLS/MA, MLS/JD, etc.)?
  • Can you tell where the faculty come from? Are any of them currently working as librarians?
  • Is the school accredited? Does it matter?
  • Anything surprise you about looking at LIS program web sites?

Assessment: Groups present their findings on one school to the entire class.